Knowing why we believe
Our churches still lose about two-thirds of our young adults. A primary cause has been identified as a lack of known reasons for believing this faith to be true.
Welcome to our community! Inspired by the Gospel and passionate about God’s people, we aim to create a place where you can connect with local, relevant, Christian information, articles & other resources, that will encourage, equip and sustain you on your journey.
Our churches still lose about two-thirds of our young adults. A primary cause has been identified as a lack of known reasons for believing this faith to be true.
Jesus spoke through stories. Of note, He never explained the meaning of the parables to the crowds. Their interpretation was left to the audience to work out. He did this for a few reasons – including the presence of hostile elements in His audiences.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
Easter presents us with the most significant event in the Bible – and the highlight of our Christian calendar. Sorry, Christmas – but Jesus was born so that He could die; go to the cross, become the substitutionary atonement for our sin, and be resurrected for our hope and future
Family needs have never been greater in our nation – while God’s Word is full of wisdom for marriages and parenting. This is also a gateway for the gospel. What if our churches became more intentional in this area?
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
United Church structure – wider Church unity is sometimes a difficult topic. Most local congregations have connection with a denomination of some kind. This can add strength.
God’s intent was that we work together when needed. Our unity was to go beyond relationships and prayer to outwardly focused action. The goal wasn’t unity for unity’s sake – but unity for mission’s sake.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
It is generally recognised that over 80% of those who come to faith do so before the age of 20. Youth ministry is therefore logically a wise area of focus for outreach.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
In the current Western church environment it is rarely recognised that the mission of God’s Church is also the mission of the church small group. It is certainly true that church small groups serve a few purposes.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
For we who hold this faith dear, the growing negative attitudes toward our faith that are being fed within our society are a challenge to adapt to.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
For a few decades ‘evangelism training’ in NZ was relegated to the Saturday seminar – which even the pastor didn’t attend. Something was clearly wrong. Our understanding of our God-given mission had become strangely disconnected within our changing culture.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
Typically we learn conversational skills from our parents and significant others. But what if a family doesn’t model good conversational skills – while the kids grow up looking at screens? The good news is, conversational skills can be taught and learnt!
The word ‘gospel’ simply means ‘good news’. Do you know for a fact that every member of your church could communicate the Christian message simply and clearly if asked? The members of many congregations could not. While it is challenging to say, it is hard to think of something more fundamental to outreach than this.
When it comes to outreach, a multi-faceted approach is a good approach. It will take the whole Church to take the whole gospel to the whole world.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
While Mary Jones, may be a common name in Wales, her remarkable actions were certainly uncommon, making her story one that is still being told two and a half centuries later.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
In the Gospel of John, we come across “doubting Thomas” – but, in reality, Thomas was not ‘doubting’. Rather, he was totally sceptical about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
The great blessing of this type of programme is that children and families who are not connected to a church, or from a different religious world-view, will get to read this beautiful, eye-catching booklet, and discover the truth about Christmas.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
Get ready for awesome fun made just for kids! Dive into brain-teasing puzzles, cool matching games, and super-fun crafts that’ll make them smile and learn at the same time. Whether it’s a holiday, an indoor play day, or kids looking for a blast, these activities are perfect for them.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
Everyone’s heard the term ‘fatherless generation’. It has become not only a common term but also a common and accepted trait of our generation.
What’s the Gospel? What does it mean to be reconciled to God, to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit and be the recipient of eternal life? In John chapter three, one of the most important conversations in the New Testament takes place between a Pharisee called Nicodemus and Jesus.
Introducing Chris Bovill, a local author with a heart dedicated to strengthening families and empowering women in their spiritual journey.
What does killing spiders have to do with building a successful marriage?
Spring is here and like many other things in our lives every season brings with it not only the excitement of the new, but also the challenges of the new.
As part of Hope Project Christmas we love to share exciting stories from around Aotearoa, to inspire ideas and share the opportunity to intentionally keep nativity scenes familiar at Christmas.
As part of Hope Project Christmas we love to share exciting stories from around Aotearoa, to inspire ideas and share the opportunity to intentionally keep nativity scenes familiar at Christmas.
As part of Hope Project Christmas we love to share exciting stories from around Aotearoa, to inspire ideas and share the opportunity to intentionally keep nativity scenes familiar at Christmas.
Ever had a ‘lost in translation’ moment?
Picture this: a scene familiar to many of us – a couple, happily married, yet occasionally lost in translation. Take Mike and Sarah, for instance.
Take a look at these exciting ideas of what people have done at Christmas to keep the ‘Christ’ in ‘Christmas’.
I’m sure I’m not alone by saying that the whole month of December is always busy for our family. Between family parties and our usual festivities, the month seems to fly by!
As part of Hope Project Christmas we love to share exciting stories from around Aotearoa, to inspire ideas and share the opportunity to intentionally keep nativity scenes familiar at Christmas.
When I was first saved, our preacher showed me what’s known as the ‘Romans Road’ in my Bible, and I marked it down so I could always share these verses.
If I was seeking a life partner what would be your top three values to look for in someone – let’s take it as a given that we share the same faith?
As part of Hope Project Christmas we love to share exciting stories from around Aotearoa, to inspire ideas and share the opportunity to intentionally keep nativity scenes familiar at Christmas.
Share the light and let’s keep the CHRIST in Christmas. Let’s think – CREATIVE. Let’s think – OUTSIDE THE BOX. Let’s think – ALIVE.
Discover the perfect Bible to accompany you on every step of your path. Our collection is ready for you to explore.
Share FAITH from our churches. Point to HOPE within our businesses. Pour out LOVE into our communities. Let’s keep the ‘Christ’ in Christmas.
Get ready young adventurers to explore the story of the very first Christmas. Along the way, you’ll find some adventures can be both tiring and exciting. Some will fill you with wonder, while others may seem a little scary or completely surprising!
The world sure seems like an uncertain place at the moment with lots of questions and pressures all around.
Our invitation is that you be intentional about using nativity-based CHRISTmas themes in your areas of influence.
But, what does it mean for God to be sovereign? Does it mean everything is happening according to His plan? That He is strategically moving events around like a brilliant chess player?
Now is the time to maybe even get a new relationship, a better relationship, a healthier relationship. Emotionally it could be the opportunity of a lifetime.
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me” – John 15:4 (NKJV)
We thought we’d do a quick blog on how to lead family devotional times. Here are some top tips from us!
On September 11th, 2023, a historic partnership was unveiled, marking a momentous milestone in the ongoing revitalisation of te reo Māori and the reach of the Paipera Tapu (the Māori Bible).
I was thinking about the commandment to honour your father and mother. Both my parents died when I was young, and before I became a Christian – so I had no opportunity to honour them in life. I do remember, however, that as children we were taught to honour and respect people in various situations.
It’s easier to blame ‘someone’ than have to look to yourself and take responsibility. Or to realise and acknowledge that mostly ‘stuff just happens’.
As a parent, you’ve probably spent hours reading books to your younger children. If you choose wisely, most children’s books have great hidden lessons or uplifting messages and usually end with something to warm your heart.
I had the chance to sit down with Bob McCoskrie from Family First for an insightful chat, in which we covered family, faith, some of the key challenges facing New Zealand and what it means to boldly and authentically display the truth of Jesus Christ in a day and age when the ‘cultural flames’ are heating up.
Have you been tempted to give up your marriage this year? I’ve talked to many who have, so you aren’t alone.
Community Bible Study is an international non-denominational organisation that was started by Lee Campbell in 1975 in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. As a result of prayer, over 500 people registered for the first class to study the Gospel of John and shortly after classes began to spread throughout the country.
As an international keynoter who speaks on resilience, I often reflect on our experiences being stranded in Newfoundland, Canada as the result of the terrorist acts in NYC , DC and the Pentagon. Here are three points to ponder on for the next time you find yourself dealing with a crisis:
More than 20 years after Paul Adams first retired from motorsport, he felt the Lord leading him to get back behind the wheel. Prayerfully, Paul said he would – but only to be a light for Jesus, and if the Lord provided certain things. One of those was a Mazda Familia 323 four-wheel-drive turbo.
The concept of mentoring has been around for centuries. It’s all about sharing knowledge, life skills and personal experiences to guide another person towards reaching their full potential.
Your marriage has a mission and you can have a lasting impact on the world around you. Decide that you will commit to living beyond yourself and test the smallest step of intentional influence you can take. You’ll be so glad you did.
Hey there, little explorer! Are you ready for amazing adventures and to blaze trails for God? Imagine going on exciting quests, discovering new places, and having incredible stories to tell. Let’s go on an epic adventure together!
Are Your Representatives Focused On Your Clients?
Sometimes in our marriage, it feels like we’re stuck in the mud with no hope of getting unstuck. It feels like the more we move, the more we get stuck. The things we try don’t seem to move us forward or closer to each other. When God designed marriage, He probably knew all along that we were going to need some external help…
One guy, known for his work ethic and hard hitting tackles is Mark ‘Bull’ Allen who played 19 games and 8 test matches for the All Blacks. We caught up with Bull to talk about faith, family and footy!
They say “Love is blind”… and marriage is the cure. Or, marriage is like receiving a phone call in the middle of the night; first the ring, and then you wake up… Or perhaps you’ve heard of the bloke who said “I married my wife for her looks, but not the looks she’s giving me these days”. What happens when disillusionment settles into our marriage?
Marriage is the camera God uses to capture this image. God’s dream for marriage is that 2 people who are created in His image will reflect His love, nature, and character to the world. Marriage oneness can be described as this picture of a body of water reflecting the mountain ranges in a way that is indistinguishable from the real thing. When a man and woman pursue oneness in their relationship, they reflect the love, character, and nature of God to the world…
I think it’s so easy to go through married life, taking each other for granted. I spoke with a dear friend who lost his wife recently. He was musing about how he would love her so differently, if he could.
“Knowing how close I came to throwing away my marriage scares me…”
Recently we received this note from a couple who attended a FamilyLife Weekend to Remember about 20 years ago desperate to find some measure of resolve or tools to rekindle the flame that once burned strong in their marriage.
I once heard John Maxwell say, “If you’re the most intelligent person in the room, you’re in the wrong room!” Sometimes I wonder why I am in the room and what I can learn by being there.
Ever wondered how to explain the concept that we are all part of God’s spiritual family to your younger kids? Here are some fun and easy steps you can follow to have fun and faith filled session with your kids.
You… your family, your community matter to us. We want to walk with you so you can run your race! We want to inspire and help you get equipped.
How important is it now, in uncertain days, to have certainty in knowing who you believe in, what you believe, and why you believe? Plant yourself firmly so you can grow strong in your faith.
The Bible teaches that we must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Romance is uninterrupted time – time together without kids, without work, without pressures, and so this needs to be planned. Contrary to what people may think, planning romance isn’t unromantic.
Sometimes we have to be patient. Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.”
The ultimate question one can ask is, “…is there a God?” If the answer is ‘…yes’, the second most important question is “…what’s He like?” We can answer by defining God by His attributes – that He’s all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent, unchanging and eternal.
Nobody likes them, right, and yet we all need to have them if our relationships are going to deepen and grow.
Whatever you see as the ‘secret’ of why you are in a relationship with God, that ‘secret’ of our strength will, at times, be undermined – little by little.
We have all felt distant from God at one point or another. You’re not alone. He is closer to you than you know. Here are some ways to help you connect with God.
Have you ever fought about money in your relationship? I bet you have. I bet that some of your fiercest arguments have involved finances. Money is, and probably always has been, one of the leading causes of conflict in marriage.
In Beholding, spiritual director, musician, poet and Kiwi author Strahan Coleman invites readers to discover the joy of being with God rather than working for God. As they inhabit the art of resting in God’s presence, prayer becomes not just a place of seeking, but becoming.
As we sat around the dinner table, my 17-year-old son started shovelling food down his throat. The sight was almost as unpleasant as the noise he was creating!
Soon we will be able to reconnect with our family and friends, many of who have been separated from us overseas, as we see the restrictions being relaxed by the government. Red light? Green light? Maybe some of us are stuck at an “Orange light”, unsure which way we should be travelling.
When my wife came home and told me that they were looking for someone to step in and drive the school bus for our church, I had no idea that she was thinking about me. They needed someone who could drive a stick-shift. Tick! They needed someone who…
Back in the early 1990’s, whilst working in the United Kingdom, I was involved with a product called the Personal Communication Computer (or the P.C.C. for short). It consisted of a desktop computer, with a camera, tailored hardware and software and a phone connected to an ISDN line.
People think that leadership is about position or title. I beg to differ. Leadership is about what you are willing to do and how you can encourage those around you to do what they might not want to.
Religion is mankind’s search after God: Christianity is God’s search after mankind. Let me illustrate it this way. Imagine you are out in the sea struggling like mad to get to land in your own strength. You’re gulping in the salty stuff. You try to scream for help!
Welcome to the Good News Bible Family Edition Resources page. Download and print off useful resources, watch a whole load of helpful and engaging videos to get the most out of the Good News Bible Family Edition and explore the FAQs.
This family edition of the Good News Bible has been created with the heart of putting the Bible back at the centre of family life. It is designed to not just bring you closer to God, but closer to each other.
Kids learn through play and fun!
Out of ideas? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Check out our kid friendly video and join us in making a paper boat together.
The latest issue of Authentic Magazine – issue 18 – is in stores now.
On the cover is Tyree, or TY, Tautogia, who shares his amazing testimony. TY is one third of hip hop group Smashproof, formed alongside Sid Diamond and Deach – Fred Faafou. Smashproof holds the record for the longest consecutive run at number one by a local act on the New Zealand singles chart.
We have created this Bible Guide just for you. We encourage you to explore the different Bible versions and discover the right Bible for you. Grow closer to God by reading His Word. Your faith will thrive like never before!
Kids learn through play and fun!
Out of ideas? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Check out our kid friendly video and join us in making a paper lantern together.
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