Knowing why we believe
Our churches still lose about two-thirds of our young adults. A primary cause has been identified as a lack of known reasons for believing this faith to be true.
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)
If you’re reading this reflection, it means that you’re alive and that your life has purpose. God has planned every day, step, thought and action of your life and if we are to be in step with Him, we will see Him fulfil His purpose through us.
In reading our text, Paul not only emphasises that the Word of God is alive and never passive, but that it’s always at work and active in every area of our lives. The Word penetrates the parts of our being that are both seen and unseen, known and unknown to us. It helps us distinguish between selfless and/or selfish acts, and becomes the voice of truth, life and reason to help direct our lives, and enables us to become people of power, praise, and purpose for His glory.
Therefore, be encouraged that every time we open God’s Word, it gives life and meaning to our existence and reason for being. It helps us to forget the former things, propelling us forward into the new life He intended for us to live.
Lord, help us to allow your Word to speak and cut through every part of our lives. Direct our path so that our thoughts, words, and actions glorify who you are and help point others to you. May we experience the Godly life you intended for us to have according to your will. Amen.
At Bible Society New Zealand, we are constantly seeking new ways to connect people with the Word of God so they can draw into a deeper relationship with God. In today’s ever-increasing digital world, we are excited to partner with YouVersion, one of the leaders in this space within the Christian community.
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Our churches still lose about two-thirds of our young adults. A primary cause has been identified as a lack of known reasons for believing this faith to be true.
Jesus spoke through stories. Of note, He never explained the meaning of the parables to the crowds. Their interpretation was left to the audience to work out. He did this for a few reasons – including the presence of hostile elements in His audiences.
Read a reflection from one of the contributors from Bible Society NZ and other Kiwi Christian leaders in our 31-day devotional, ‘Reflections of Life.’ It will help you discover the life contained within His Word.
At Bible Society New Zealand, we’ve partnered with Gathered Here, one of NZ’s most trusted providers of free online wills, to make estate planning simple and stress-free for you.