Feeling Disconnected From God?
We have all felt distant from God at one point or another. You’re not alone. He is closer to you than you know. Here are some ways to help you connect with God.
“When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples.
This brings great glory to my Father.” John 15:8 NLT
How important is it now, in uncertain days, to have certainty in knowing who you believe in, what you believe, and why you believe? Plant yourself firmly so you can grow strong, and allow your roots to spread deep as you gain understanding and truth. (Colossians 2:6-7 NLT)
Listen for the Good Shepherd to speak, guide and lead you. Open His Word. It is in the opening of the Word that we begin to know Him, to recognise Him and His voice. Lean in, meditate, and allow the words of truth to soak in deeply. Look for Him in the Scriptures. Let us recognise Him as the Lord (Hosea 6:3 NIrV)
His Word is a steadfast guide. “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (Psalm 119:105 NIV). It helps us to navigate life. When His Word dwells within us, it moulds our thoughts, words, actions and therefore our lives so that we can bear fruit. “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit” (John 15:5 NIV)
Where you keep your Bible will determine how often you read it. If your Bible is in a drawer or at the back of a cupboard, it's unlikely you will read it. His Word nourishes and sustains us. Make reading the Bible a priority in your life today.
Keep your favourite devotional with your Bible for noting memory verses, reflections and prayers. This will strengthen your relationship with God as you look back and see how He has been by your side through every season.
A study book can help you understand His Word on a more profound level and deepen your understanding of Him and His will for you. They either focus on the undeniable evidence of Jesus or characters or books in the Bible.
God wants to know you and He wants to spend time with you. Be still. Quiet your heart and listen for Him. If we are rushing around every moment of the day how will we hear His whispers? Find quiet time every day to be with Him.
An Extract – Ways to Read the Bible – Pg 19
There are many ways to read the Bible. Here is one way…
1. Pray – Take your Bible to a quiet place and put your phone on silent (or better yet, don’t take it with you). Ask God to help you understand what you’re about to read and ask Him to speak to you through the Bible.
2. Read & Meditate – Read the passage you have chosen slowly and carefully. Is there anything that stands out? Is there anything in the passage that gives you comfort or makes some sense of something that is going on in your life right now? If so, then this is God speaking to you. maybe write it down in a journal and come back to it. Share your thoughts with another Christian you know and trust.
3. Observe – Some questions to think about when reading:
• Does the passage show me anything about God?
• Does the passage show me anything about human nature?
• Does it teach me anything about myself?
• What don’t I understand?
• What’s the most exciting thing about this passage?
4. Apply – Think about how you could apply your learnings to your life.
• Is there anything you can do in response to what you have read?
• Do you have someone you can talk to about what you have read?
5. Pray – Include what you have read and learnt in your conversations with God.
An Extract – Ways to Read the Bible – Pg 19
There are many ways to read the Bible. Here is one way…
1. Pray – Take your Bible to a quiet place and put your phone on silent (or better yet, don’t take it with you). Ask God to help you understand what you’re about to read and ask Him to speak to you through the Bible.
2. Read & Meditate – Read the passage you have chosen slowly and carefully. Is there anything that stands out? Is there anything in the passage that gives you comfort or makes some sense of something that is going on in your life right now? If so, then this is God speaking to you. maybe write it down in a journal and come back to it. Share your thoughts with another Christian you know and trust.
3. Observe – Some questions to think about when reading:
• Does the passage show me
anything about God?
• Does the passage show me
anything about human nature?
• Does it teach me anything
about myself?
• What don’t I understand?
• What’s the most exciting thing
about this passage?
4. Apply – Think about how you could apply your learnings to your life.
• Is there anything you can do
in response to what you
have read?
• Do you have someone you
can talk to about what
you have read?
5. Pray – Include what you have read and learnt in your conversations with God.
take a look inside
take a look inside
Pause | Listen | Reflect | Praise
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
James 4:8 (NKJV)
What if we are so busy with the ‘cares of the world’ that we miss the opportunity to wait on HIM? He expressed His intentions towards us when He said how He would respond by us drawing near to Him. He will draw near to us. He asks us to Cleanse our hands, our sin; and purify our hearts, our double-mindedness. (James 4: 8 NKJV) In the ‘drawing near’ we are encouraged to set our hearts and our minds only on Him. To position ourselves to be still, to sit, listen and receive from Jesus.
PRESS INTO HIM – Tune out the noise of the day. Let your mind rest on Him. He knows your needs. Ask for hope…love…strength. Ask for His peace. Trust that He is there with you.
LEAN IN – Listen for His voice. Listen for the Good Shepherd to speak, guide and lead you. Open His Word. It is in the opening of the Word that we begin to know Him, to recognise Him and His voice. Lean in, meditate, and allow the words of truth to soak into the deep places. Look for Him in the scriptures. When we are still and silent we can best listen for God to speak to us through His Word. What is He wanting to teach us? What is He wanting to prune from our lives so we can be fruitful?
‘Selah’ is a Hebrew word referring to a voluntary and intentional pause for reflection. Often in times of pausing, God gives us a revelation that transforms our perspective, bringing us closer to Him. Selah positions us to hear His voice and be in His presence.
Don’t miss what He wants to say. Don’t miss resting. Don’t miss meeting with Him. Don’t miss trying to know Him more. Press in.
Lord, I invite you to sit with me… be here with me in this moment right now. Your bread of life feeds and nourishes my soul. Help me hold on to the truth and promises of your Word and allow it to marinate into my life. Thank you for your steadfast love. Amen.
If you’re looking to grow your faith or restore your relationship with God, visit our Team in-store and they will be happy to help you find a Bible, a Bible Study or a faith-building biography. Come along on a journey to strengthen and grow your Christian Life with Manna Christian Stores, as you GROW deeper in Him.
We have all felt distant from God at one point or another. You’re not alone. He is closer to you than you know. Here are some ways to help you connect with God.
In Beholding, spiritual director, musician, poet and Kiwi author Strahan Coleman invites readers to discover the joy of being with God rather than working for God. As they inhabit the art of resting in God’s presence, prayer becomes not just a place of seeking, but becoming.
When you are in the midst of darkness watch for the Shades of Light Watch Video SHADES OF LIGHT Have you ever felt like you wear labels
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