Ko te tino whāinga a “Manna,” te toa hokohoko Paipera, me Ngā Ringa Hāpai i te Paipera Tapu ki Aotearoa he para i te huarahi e whai wāhi ai ngā tāngata katoa ki te pānui i te Paipera Tapu, he akiaki hoki kia tino arohia e tātou katoa. Ki a mātou, mā ngā tāngata katoa te Paipera Tapu. Koinei tō mātou take e mahi nei kia whānui ai te mōhio me te mārama ki te Paipera Tapu ki Aotearoa nei, ki te ao whānui hoki. E tino hari ana mātou me te whakahīhī i te nui o ngā momo taonga katoa kua whakaritea mō koutou e “Manna”.
At Manna and Bible Society our mission is to help make the Bible accessible to everyone and encourage interaction with it. We believe the Bible is for everyone. That’s why we’re working tirelessly to make the Bible available and understood here in New Zealand and around the world. We are excited to present a range of products available at Manna just for you.
How wonderful is it to open up a Bible in your heart language? We at Bible Society and Manna are passionate about seeing the Word of God placed into your hands, and into the hands of others, in a language that makes the Bible feel most like home. We know the Bible is for everyone and believe that all should have the opportunity to know the transforming power of the Bible and other life-changing resources we have available. We do not want language to be a barrier.
We at Manna are excited to continuously be expanding our range of different language Bibles with over 200 different portions of the Bible and other resources currently available. Look for your heart language Bible at Manna.
If you cannot find your language, let us know at customerexperience@manna.co.nz so we can find your Bible, for you.
Are you looking for Māori Bibles and Resources? We have a great range to share with you. View our range by either visiting our online shop or take a look at our digital flyer.
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We are so passionate about seeing your ministry thrive that we have created great benefits for Ministry. Register your Ministry here.
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Te Paipera Tapu | Māori BiblE
Mobile App – available now
Te Paipera Tapu has come a long way since the very first publication of the full Bible in Māori in 1868. Now, you can read it on the move with Bible Society’s new mobile app. The app features the very latest edition of Te Paipera Tapu (not available on any other app or website) which was reformatted to include macrons in 2012. The app also features two English translations – the Good News Bible and the Contemporary English Version. This makes it great for second language learners of Māori, who can compare the same passage in Māori and English. To download the app visit the Apple store or Google Play.
History of the Bible in New Zealand
This history of the Bible is an important part of New Zealand history. The publication of the first ever New Testament in Māori by William Colenso in 1837 at Paihia is a monumental achievement. This book changed everything for Aotearoa. Many Māori all over the country came to faith in Jesus through it, and passed it on to one another. And yet most New Zealanders don’t know anything about this story. Watch and learn more about the history of the Bible in New Zealand.