I think I dodged a bullet

I think I dodged a bullet

As an international keynoter who speaks on resilience, I often reflect on our experiences being stranded in Newfoundland, Canada as the result of the terrorist acts in NYC , DC and the Pentagon. Here are three points to ponder on for the next time you find yourself dealing with a crisis:

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Why technology isn’t always your friend

Back in the early 1990’s, whilst working in the United Kingdom, I was involved with a product called the Personal Communication Computer (or the P.C.C. for short). It consisted of a desktop computer, with a camera, tailored hardware and software and a phone connected to an ISDN line.

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Do you think you are a leader

People think that leadership is about position or title. I beg to differ. Leadership is about what you are willing to do and how you can encourage those around you to do what they might not want to.

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